You are Beautiful: Crystal E.

You are Beautiful: Crystal E.

February 20, 20235 min read

Inspiration can come from any and every angle of life. You can be inspired by watching a television show, listening to a podcast, or reading an article. 

When I had the chance to sit down and chat with Crystal, I was beyond impressed with the words she chose to share with me. Not only is she an inspiration to me, but I know she’ll be an inspiration to you. 

She made her own choices growing up, even after beauty was previously defined for her. She threw away what society said about being beautiful, came to her own conclusions, and desires to spread that truth to women around the world. 

Enough talk about what she did for me and what she wants to do for others. See for yourself below! 

Maggie: Beauty is a term that can be described in a hundred different ways. Most of us create our own definition based on what other people have told us, what society shows us, and what we experience from day to day. What helped mold your version of the word? 

Crystal: At a young age, I was always told that less makeup is better. [For instance,] I was always being told that red lipstick was more for special occasions than everyday wear. I now know I can wear red lipstick whenever I feel like it.  

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Society also negatively impacted me for quite some time when I was growing up. I learned it was better and more fun to have blonde hair versus brown hair. [Thankfully,] I no longer feel that way, and I embrace my dark hair with lots of love.  

M: It must have been quite the challenge, transitioning your original definition of beauty to be your own personal definition of beauty. Are there any other life experiences that you had to transition? Or did you keep certain experiences and lessons with you to this very day? 

C: My parents divorced after 16 years of marriage when I was younger. After that had happened, my mother wanted to make sure I knew how to be independent, she didn’t want me to depend on a man. My mom always said to never let someone tell you that you can’t do something just because you’re a girl. 

Now, I am a single mother of three beautiful children. I am still extremely independent. I do not believe there is something out there that I cannot do just because I am a female. If I want to do it and do it well, I will. 

When I lost both of my parents to cancer, just a year apart from each other, it added to the life lesson to always do what makes you happy. It taught me that you never know what tomorrow brings, so I try to always make the best out of the present.  

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M: Your confidence has grown since you were younger - you’ve grown to wear red lipstick whenever you want. You’ve grown to love your dark hair. You’ve grown to be extremely independent. And, you’ve grown to do whatever makes you happy in life. 

Going through all of that must have sparked a brand new thought process in your head when it comes to beauty and being beautiful. What is your current definition of beauty? 

C: I believe that if YOU believe it is beautiful, then it is. [If YOU believe you are beautiful, then you are.] 

Every single person is beautiful in their own way. We are all made different for a reason. So, we should embrace and love our differences and own them.  

M: Are you excited or nervous to take beautiful photos today? Why do you think doing this session will make you feel more beautiful? Will it help solidify your definition of the word beauty?  

C: I think it has taken me quite some time to be completely comfortable in my skin and love myself for all that I am, as I am.  

Now that I can appreciate being different, unique, and beautiful in my own way, I feel like that should be documented [through these photos.] 

Boudoir photo shoot

M: You are absolutely right. You are different, unique, and beautiful, just as each of us is.  

Is there anything you can tell us today that makes you feel uniquely powerful? Is there anything that comes to your mind that can inspire all other women reading this? 

C: The woman I am today knows no limits on her strength, no limits to what she can overcome, no limits on what she can learn.  

The woman I am today is inspired, [and I hope everyone else can get there, too]. 

We are all different. We are all unique. We are all beautiful. 

Let that resonate in your mind, in your body, and in your soul.  

Crystal was onto something. If we just accept that we are all different, unique, and beautiful in our own way, we can gain strength, overcome obstacles, and learn anything we want. We, too, can inspire women around us, just like Crystal does every single day. 

So, let’s go out there today, tomorrow, and the days after that, and spread that positive news to all. There’s absolutely no reason we can’t feel beautiful all the time.

Check out this video:

More You Are Beautiful Stories

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You are Beautiful: Cindy R.

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Interested in a glamour or boudoir shoot to showcase what makes you uniquely beautiful? Check out our Website.

💄 Hair and Makeup by Kellie Outlaw with Sparkle Studios.

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