You are Beautiful: Jamaika M banner

You are Beautiful: Jamaika M.

February 16, 20234 min read

The inspiring story of a single mother who balances 2 children, the military, full time school, and 2 jobs

I launched the “You Are Beautiful” Campaign with the mission to empower women by showcasing their true essence and reminding them how strong, beautiful, and extraordinary they are. Little did I know how empowering and inspiring it would be for me...

Meet Jamaika M. Jamaika is a single mother of two kids, works two jobs (three in the past), goes to school full-time, survived 2 tours overseas, and is a domestic abuse survivor.  Did I hear an audible “Wow” from you? Keep reading for a look behind the scenes of our glamour session and a powerful Q+A about her story, words of wisdom, and how it felt to be professionally photographed for the first time.

Maggie: What life experiences have made you who you are today?

Jamaika: I have survived two tours overseas. I am a single mother of two kids. I have worked three jobs to make a way for my kids and I. Currently, I am still serving in the military, going to school full time and working full time.

Boudoir Shoot

My determination has made me who I am today. My kids watching me, and depending on me has made me who I am. Being strong enough to walk away from a domestic violence marriage has made me who I am today. 

This past July, I had surgery not knowing what the results would be, but I’m blessed to say, the devil didn’t win. “C” will not live within my body and for that I am grateful.

M: Wow, that’s powerful. I’d love to know, what is your definition of beauty?

J: My definition of beauty is the heart within – how a person views themselves. Beauty is having self confidence in who you are – no matter [your] size or color.

M: To me beauty is a light in the heart! Do you view yourself as “beautiful”? What is your favorite non-physical feature about yourself?

J: I absolutely do! My favorite feature about myself is my heart [and my] ability to encourage a stranger in any situation – my willingness to lend a helping hand and see the good anyone or in any situation I come across.

M: What impacted you the most about beauty when you were younger that you’ve carried with you into adulthood (positive or negative)?

J: Beauty comes from within and not what others think or feel about you. Being called names and [bullied] during middle and high school because of my skin and acne taught me to value myself and see [the] beauty within myself.

M: Based on your personal experience, what words of wisdom would you like to share with others who struggle to see their own beauty?

J: No matter what society deems as beautiful, always know that you are beautiful. God didn’t make us alike, but unique in our own way. You must view yourself as beautiful, not because of your outer appearance but because of your heart within. If your heart is pure then your beauty will shine through and that’s what people will see when they look at you.

Texas Boudoir Shoot

M: What made you want to do this session?  Why are beautiful photos important for you right now?

J: Photos are important to me because I have grown to love who I am inside and out. I have found new confidence – and this world can’t take it away! I’m almost forty and time isn’t standing still. I want to capture every moment I can when I can. I don't have many pictures of myself, because I didn’t think I was “picture pretty”, but now WHO CARES! I’m alive so I smile!

M: Your story has been extremely inspiring, thank you so much for sharing it!  Last question: how do you feel your experiences make you uniquely powerful?

J: It makes me uniquely powerful because I’m a fighter! Therefore, I won’t be defeated. I’m more motivated today than I was a year ago. Many have crumbled and given up, but I’m determined to keep going until I can’t!

For more behind the scenes on Jamaika’s shoot, head over to my Instagram.

More Steps On How To Treat Yourself and You Are Beautiful stories

10 Traits Of A Strong Woman

You Are Beautiful: Dena R.'s Self Power

5 Ways to Treat Yourself Like Your Best Friend

Interested in a glamour or boudoir shoot to showcase what makes you uniquely beautiful? Check out our Website.

💄 Hair and Makeup by Kellie Outlaw with Sparkle Studios.

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