You are Beautiful: Wendy C.

You are Beautiful: Wendy C.

March 02, 20235 min read

From Caterpillar to Butterfly, We See This Woman’s Wings Spread

Wendy is an impressive woman. The more you learn about her, the more you admire and cherish. From her childhood stories to her struggles as an adult, this woman showed me exactly how to pick yourself up from a hard point in life and make the best of it. 

Wendy is now living her best life, but she didn’t get there overnight. Read on to learn a little bit about this great gal and see how it’s possible for you, too, to pick yourself up and get through hard times.

Maggie: The words beauty and beautiful come into our vocabulary at such a young age. For example, I remember when I was a little girl. I used to get Barbie dolls for my birthday and Christmas, and I used to call those Barbie dolls beautiful. I must have been four years old if I could guess. The women around me taught me what those two words meant and I started to use them with my dolls. Then I started to use it around my family and friends. Eventually, I used it in society. That’s what I remember, my personal origination of the words beauty and beautiful.

What do you remember of those two words? Is there a particular memory that comes to mind?

Wendy C - Maggie Messer Boudoir Photography

Wendy: When I think back, I remember beauty and beautiful as words I used to describe my mother. I always admired her. She always looked so pretty going to work and even staying at home. It didn’t matter if it was her day off, she still always looked good. 

She taught me to do the same. She taught me to always have my hair done, to always be clean, and to always smell good. She taught me that I had to love and respect myself, that confidence and self-love came from within. 

I still admire her to this day. My mom is a very classy lady, even in her seventies. I mirror her today, and I’m proud to say so. 

M: I enjoy hearing mother-daughter bonds like that one. They’re pure and the love I see and hear in your voice is so genuine. 

Continuing on the topic of looking back at your life, can you tell me any other life experiences that may come to mind? If they’re positive or negative, would you mind sharing them with me?

W: Well, my story goes like this. I became a young mother at the age of nineteen. I was married for nine years to my children’s father, but it was not a happy marriage. I actually struggled to find myself and reinvent myself afterward. Unfortunately, I ended up crashing in the process.

Wendy C Boudoir

After countless years of struggling, I picked myself up and realized that I was a strong woman and needed to depend on myself to be happier.

So, I became a correctional officer and learned a lot about myself during the twenty years I held that job. I also learned a lot about myself from my beautiful daughter throughout the years. Believe me, she’s helped me realize my potential as a mother and a woman. Moving forward, I’ve become more understanding, compassionate, and loving because of these two things.

M: That is so refreshing to hear. It’s extremely inspiring to know that your mother who raised you made such an impact. Then down the road, your daughter helped you grow into an amazing mother and woman.

Based on your experiences with your mother and daughter, and everything else that’s happened in your life, can you share some words of wisdom? So many other women struggle with finding their personal beauty, I was wondering if you could help push them in the right direction? 

W: Absolutely! I’d say I fully believe that your character speaks for itself. So, if you build your character and self-worth over time, your life will shine bright. 

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Listen, life is not a competition. It’s a rally of faith, hope, and beauty. If you do it right, you can project all of that - faith, hope, and beauty - out unto the world. 

M: Thank you for sharing all of that with me today - and everyone else that gets to read your story. It seems you’ve found your way, and you're confident in your life to show it to the rest of the world. 

What would you say makes you uniquely powerful as a woman today?

W: I’d say just the fact that I’m me. I’m marching to the beat of my own drum and I love it that way.

M: Independence is so beautiful. Everything you encompass is so beautiful. I can’t wait to show you just how beautiful you are through these pictures we’re about to take! 

Are you excited? Are these photographs going to be important for you to look back on?

W: These photos will definitely be important to me in the long run. I finally feel like my shell has shed and I’m no longer a caterpillar. Now, I’m a beautiful butterfly coming into my own naturally. 

That she is, a beautiful butterfly coming into her own. 

Wendy had a few struggles that put her in quite the pickle. She broke down a little bit before she could stand on her own two feet again, but she made it in the end! Through familial help from her mother, her daughter, and necessary support from her job, Wendy got to make the best of her life. Her passion for life grew with every passing day, and her confidence inspired everyone around her. 

Wendy is a brilliant, beautiful woman that embraces life. I think we could learn a thing or two from this lovely lady.

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💄 Hair and Makeup by Kellie Outlaw with Sparkle Studios.  

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