Austin Headshot Photographer

Business Spotlight: Meet Teresa Phillipsips, The Voice Behind the Mic

October 19, 20232 min read

Your headshot is your visual handshake to the world;

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Transforming Narratives Through Unique, Pizzazz-filled & Versatile Voice Acting

Have you ever wondered who's the captivating voice behind some of your favorite ads, audiobooks, or even corporate trainings? Meet Teresa Phillips, a voice actor who brings a unique blend of pizzazz and versatility to every project she tackles. Today we are shining a spotlight on her incredible work and how a professional headshot from our Headshot Quickie service elevated her personal brand.

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Sample Her Talent Ready to hear Teresa's vocal magic in action? You don't want to miss it! Check out her compelling Commercial, Narration, and Animation demos right now. Trust us, it's a captivating experience that showcases the essence of her unique, pizzazz-filled, and versatile voice acting. You can also check out more demos on her website.

Who She Serves Teresa enjoys partnering with companies seeking a unique voice—companies she can grow with while delivering exactly what they need through her exceptional voice-over skills.

What She Offers Though she specializes mainly in voice acting, Teresa is a woman of many talents. She's venturing into music and acting, but what truly stands out is her signature voice-over work. It's not just about reading a script; it's about giving life to words and making audiences feel something.

Success Stories Her talents have transformative powers. One client was notably thrilled with the intro and outro created, praising her impeccable tone and timing.

Where You Can Find Her

  1. Business Name: Golden Phoenix Voicewerx

  2. Website:

  3. Instagram:

Ready for Your Own Spotlight? Are you looking to elevate your personal or business brand with high-quality images? Whether you're a one-person talent like Teresa or a fully-staffed operation, professional headshots and branding photos can make all the difference.

Book your Headshot Quickie or a complete Branding Photoshoot with us today and let us put you in the spotlight!

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