You are Beautiful: Aquita G.

You are Beautiful: Aquita G.

March 01, 20235 min read

There’s something spectacular about balance and about God, and about mixing the two together. 

Aquita G. is a woman who believes in God so wholeheartedly, that she lives by a code - a code to balance her heart, her mind, and her soul. This balance allows her to be confident in the spirit she claims to be her own, and this spirit grants her the power to let go of all that negative energy. 

Aquita should be an inspiration to us all, spreading positivity and telling everyone to love the skin that they’re in. Keep reading to learn more about her fantastic story.

Maggie: Working on this incredible project, I’ve come to realize that every woman has a different definition of the term beautiful. 

In fact, I’ve even altered my own definition based off of some of the most inspirational ladies I’ve met through this. So, I like to start most interviews with one of my favorite questions, what is your definition of the term beauty? 

Aquita G.: I genuinely believe that beauty is skin deep. Beauty starts from within and shines outwardly. 

I’ve seen beautiful women with nasty personalities, which made them very ugly. I’ve also seen women with beautiful personalities, which made them very beautiful. 

M: You’re absolutely right. Beauty is not all about looks, the makeup we wear, the way we style our hair, and the clothes we put on. Beauty is more about what’s in our hearts, minds, and souls. 

Photographer and boudoir

Keeping that in mind, do you think that you’re beautiful?

A: I do believe that I am beautiful, but I also continue to work on myself daily. I’m always ever evolving, adapting to the rapid changes around me the best that I can.

I think that myself and others need to constantly work on ourselves - our body, mind, and soul. Those three aspects need to be balanced for ultimate beauty to be achieved. 

M: Perfectly said. 

I want to bring up again where you said beauty is skin deep. So, all in all, you believe that a beautiful personality can make a woman that much more incredible. I think non-physical features and characteristics add into that message you’re communicating to other women. I think that the traits that make us who we are can make us more beautiful. 

My favorite non-physical feature of myself is that I know how to care for people, really and truly to my core. What is your favorite non-physical feature about yourself?

A: I would say my spirit, definitely. My spirit because even when I don’t feel like being nice, or I don’t feel beautiful on a particular day, my spirit still over exceeds everything I’m thinking or feeling in that moment. 

My spirit is connected to God, which oversees my physical being and soul. It just shines out because of my faith, even when I’m having an off moment. It keeps me balanced.

M: It’s rather refreshing to hear you say all of this, because oftentimes, I don’t hear many women talking about how they balance their hearts, minds, and souls. It’s definitely necessary, but I think we just get so busy in our day-to-day lives that we forget how crucial it is to do that.

Glamour photography

I think that knowing that and vocalizing that makes you a uniquely powerful woman. I also think that every woman in the world has their own unique powers to share with the rest of us. For you, do you personally think there is something that makes you uniquely powerful that I haven’t mentioned in this interview?

A: I’d say my confidence level makes me feel uniquely powerful. 

Again, my spirit also makes me unique. Everything that is within my spirit and my soul shines outward for the world to see. When I have a moment in my life where I just want to be mean, my spirit doesn’t allow that; it keeps me in check. 

I also know how to remind myself to be aware of my surroundings, because you never know who's watching. 

Everyone’s words have meaning, even mine, and they can speak life or death in a specific situation. Words can encourage or they can tear down. I can either be a loose canon or a harmless dove, the choice is mine. But my confidence and spirit make me powerful because I choose to be a harmless dove and let my beauty shine outward from the inside.

M: I like that reference, a harmless dove. You have some great advice for these other ladies to listen to and read, let me tell you.

Do you think there’s anything else you’d like to add in before we get started on the photography?

Aquita G.: If there was one more thing I could add, I’d say that every woman out there should always aim to be their own kind of beautiful. I actually have a sign that says that on one of my walls in my salon.

Beauty is what you make it, after all. No one else can tell you otherwise. Some people might say you’re not beautiful because your skin is too dark, or your eyes are too close together, or your thighs are too big, or your butt is too big, or you're too skinny. Sure, but I say go ahead and be your own kind of beautiful and love the skin that you’re in - that’s the way to go.

Aquita G. just kept giving good advice as the article went on and on. She was such a joy to be around, such an inspiration to other women.

If she can admit that she has bad days and gets through them, then so can we. Aquita goes above and beyond to make sure she’s not mean to other people, she makes sure she’s always living a balanced life, and she makes sure she allows her inner beauty to shine outwardly. Those are all incredible actions, and you know what? We can do them, too.

We just need to believe that we can be our own kind of beauty each day. We just need to love that skin that we’re in every moment. It’s that simple, ladies!

Interested in a glamour or boudoir shoot to showcase what makes you uniquely beautiful? Check out our Website.

💄 Hair and Makeup by Kellie Outlaw with Sparkle Studios.

you are beautifulBeautyGlamourMaggie Messer BoudoirMaggie Messer PhotographyBoudoir photographer Austin
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