How One Military Woman Veteran turned her Experiences into Chapters

How One Military Woman Veteran turned her Experiences into Chapters

March 02, 20236 min read

Brandy is a woman like any other. She has experienced doubt, sadness, and joy. What makes her story unique is that she turned her experiences into two books that she co-authored. Maggie chats with Brandy about why she wrote these books and the lessons she learned along the way. Readers can expect to be inspired by Brandy's journey and learn from her mistakes. Stay tuned for insights from Brandy!

Brandy Davidson is a co-author of two books. One is called “From Grief to Grind”, “Where did I go” and the other one is a snippet about my military career and it's called “Behind the Ranks: Volume Three”

Read on to learn how one military woman veteran turned her experiences into chapters.

Behind the Ranks: Volume Three

During our interview, Brandy first shared with us a little about “Behind the Ranks: Volume Three”.  When she got out of the military at the end of 2011, she went through a depression and could not find a job.  

“ I just went through a lot of things emotionally in my life from transitioning from the military into the regular world.” Brandy said. 

During this time she indulged in emotional eating, she was depressed and had low self-esteem. “ I was not loving myself, I was not able to get a job, so that made everything a lot worse.” 

“During that time period, I was able to meet some wonderful women that loved on me,  where I was at the stage of life… they encouraged me, they poured into me, they gave me positive affirmation in which I've never really talked about." 

This was something new for Brandy, as she didn’t grow up that way. 

“I grew up in a church. So (the church) always said to pray about it and give it to God. But there's always the next step, even in the Word it says “Faith without work is dead”. 

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For Brandy, her next step, her work was positive affirmations, loving herself, and talking positively to herself for confirmation. “ The world doesn't always back you up the way you need to be backed up.” 

During this new journey in her life, she threw herself into the book; however, she never really felt like she had anything to say. 

“Most of the time you hear women that have gone through rape, domestic violence, being drunk overdosed from drugs and stuff of that nature and I've never gone through that, so I felt like I did not have a story but I did!”

Brandy met Lila Holley, the founder of Camouflage Sisters. Their mission is to empower military women through the art of storytelling. It’s a sisterhood where they come together and help each other transition out of the military.

“ I was getting fed. My soul was getting fed through other women that went through the same transition as I did.  Whenever I got out of a lot of confusion, depression and stuff of that nature she had a call for the book. "

About this time, there was a call for Ladies to contribute to Volume 3.  Volumes 1 & 2 had already been published. Brandy knew there were things she went through that she wanted to discuss. 

“So Volume 3 is food for the soul, snippets from different women, different things that we went through, how we overcame it, and how to help the next person coming through… get through it as well.” 

After sharing her thoughts, she knew she had more to say, bringing her to the path of the next book she Co-Authored “Where did I go”. 

Where did I go

“I was in a relationship while in the military and I had low self-esteem.” Brandy said.

Brandy eventually realized that with her low self-esteem, she didn’t feel enough or worthy and people mirrored this behavior and treated her like she wasn’t enough. 

“I was engaged and he was mental abusive, it was not physical.  I  was mentally abusive to myself as well. I inflicted a lot of mental abuse because I didn't love myself.  So that's where this “Where did I go”...  that's where it came from because I lost myself - women in this anthology.  We all lost ourselves whether you were a mother or a wife, we always take on other people's names… “oh you're such and such ‘s husband…” “oh you're alexander's mom…” “oh you're such a sister…” right? “ Brandy explained.

“That's what happens and we're so used to doing stuff for everyone else when it is time for us to do something for ourselves, we don't even know what it is that we'd like to do because we were so used to catering to everyone else.”  

Brandy’s story was about being in a relationship and losing herself,  losing the show she was, and questioning why she was even on earth. “ I say those group of women, they were there for me and I appreciate them so much because they did not judge me. They loved on me where I was and they encouraged me.” Brandy said. 

Even when Brandy thought she’d probably give up on herself, those women kept loving on her.  That’s how she started her own business and became an entrepreneur. 

“I started my business because those women all had their own businesses and I realized that I really love doing administrative assistant work and I love planning events.”  Brandy’s business is Purpose Project Management Services because she has a purpose! Brandy offers Event Management and Administrative Services. Consider supporting this inspiring Veteran.

Purpose Project Management Services

Learn more about her business and check out her website:

If you're looking for two inspiring reads, be sure to check out Brandy's two books. She was open and honest about the lessons she learned along the way, which is something that readers can expect from her chapters in her books. And I think we should all take lessons in what Brandy shared with us, be there to support other women. We are all going through something and sometimes we need a little help figuring out our path or just getting back on our feet and allowing our purpose in life to be found. 

Live in love ladies! Keep straightening her crown.

Want to check out her books?

Need an administrator to help with your business or event planning? Reach Brandy at Purposed Project Management Services.

Do you want to read more of Brandy's inspiring story? She was featured in our You are Beautiful Blog Series, check it it out:

You are Beautiful - Brandy D.

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